Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Everything is fine?

From an operational mind...

So I've been thinking about the statement: "everything is going to be fine, it will all work out, don't worry about it." Have you heard that one before? I hear it all the time and more times than I would like.
From someone who works directly with the operations of an organization, that type of answer is not sufficient.
I do believe that God is in control and He will work out things the way He wants them to be, but I believe that we have to be responsible in making sure it works out the way He wants it to work. Why would He call us into working for HIs Kingdom if we weren't challenged by Him to be responsible for moving His work forward?

My primary responsibility at the organization I work for is to oversee operations. I am charged to implement vision that is relayed to me. In doing so, I am responsible for making sure that operations of the organization is in conjunction with our vision. The implementation of vision usually creates chaos. But in order for that chaos to become something of substance, there must be order and structure to the chaos. Take the universe for instance, I think it can be described as chaotic, but I believe that God has brought the universe some structure and order. The planets know what order they belong, what orbit they need to follow, and how far from the Sun they need to be. In organizing the planets and bringing some order and structure to the universe, I don't believe the planets tell each other that everything is going to be fine, it will all work out, don't worry about it. They know exactly where they are placed and follow their orbit. But at the same time they cannot believe that they will be fine. They have asteroids and meteors to worry about. But they are only planets. They don't have brains and can't think for themselves.
Operations of an organization is chaotic but with structure and order, something beautiful can be created. To strive for that beauty, we need to work hard to make sure everything will be fine and everything will work out. In working operations, most leaders strive to prevent certain situations that they do not want to encounter and protect people from foreseen emotions such as frustration, anxiety, worry, and anger. In order to do that, they must create an environment that is somewhat structured and organized. The simple statement of everything is going to be fine is not sufficient because if the operations leader trusted people to execute the tasks at hand then he already believes that everything is going to be fine; but would still like to prevent certain situations from occurring and protect those they are leading from experiencing unnecessary emotions. When an operations person hears the statement it's going to be fine, and finds some undone work, gaps in communication, unsupervised individuals, and misled volunteers, we have some major issues we will be encountering in the future. One of our main goals in a position of operations is for everything to go as flawless as possible and if asking questions, making sure tasks are getting done and all aspects are covered, and drawing out information from people to where it looks like we are being nosy is what we have to do, then we will do it to prevent and protect.

But I think I know of a place where we can start. I know how we can strive to become a place where chaos is created and the result is beauty, but at the hands of order and structure.

-Stray away from complete delegation

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting Away, Giving Way

Sorry for not posting for awhile. I've been in the Philippines and I'm having an amazing time. Great time with family! I've had the opportunity to "get away" from it all and just bask in pure joy. I'm taking an extended Sabbath if I could say.

Time with my grandmother has been quite an experience. I don't get to see my grandmother as often as most do, and she's been great. She's so funny, even though she is deaf. She does an amazing job reading lips though.

I've been doing alot of thinking and it's been good. The Holy Spirit has been revealing many things to me and I need to learn how to heed to the Spirit. I thought I had the gift of discernment but situations are proving me wrong. I trust that they are. I believe I will end my thought: that I once believed I had discernment. I'm just not good at it. I thought I was good at discerning, but it's time to end my pursuit of a God given gift that I once thought I possessed. Goodbye discernment. I was wrong. I trust that this is the right thing to do and God forgive me if it's not. Situations are proving it wrong.

Hope all is well. All is well with me and I could stay here for much longer but I know there are other things I must tend to that I am held responsible for to the Spirit.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Flying free

I've been thinking about this phrase we all may have heard:
"Let it go, and watch it fly."

I've been thinking about how sometimes in life I like to keep things close to me or see myself wanting to control or even take control. But, how can I expect something to fly if I'm still holding onto it? How can I expect something to grow if I'm still holding onto it? How can I expect something to learn if I'm still holding onto it? 


It may crash, but when that happens just help it up.

I want you to fly higher than I can, 
I want you to grow taller than I am,
I want you to walk further than I've walked,
I want you to see more than I've seen,
I want you to FLY! 

Monday, April 20, 2009

My game

So, ever since I can remember, I have always observed people. I like to observe people and see how they act and react. The interaction of people and the world around them interest me. Since I was young I would watch shows and movies that focused on the FBI, CIA, detectives, and the thoughts of people. Now I have an issue with trying too hard to figure out people's motives. It's pretty funny how when I actually figure people's motives out, they deny what I reveal or approach them about. But, I just don't do it out of thin air. I observe people and take note in my mind what they have said in the past and how they have acted and reacted. Then I use clues from the past to figure out motives. It's a game to me. I find it fun. I guess this allows me to entertain myself sometimes. 
Just giving you a glimpse of Joey world. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

When is "ready"?

So I just watched the end of this movie for the lack of something better to do, and just saw the groom and bride decide that they were not ready to get married. They both then ran away from their wedding. This made me think about being "ready". Am I ready for any of that, let alone a relationship? I do not think I'm ready for all that quite yet. I'm too busy having fun and being busy! But when the time comes, it will come and I think then I'll be ready. 
We live in a world that likes to push and pressure us into being "ready" but I think we should take it at our own pace. Some paces may be faster than others, but we have to remember that we can set and control our own pace because we are the ones ultimately making lasting decisions. Do not make impulsive decisions in being "ready" because you might miss what you were meant to be "ready" for. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When Your Brain Won't Stop

Have you ever experienced a situation where your brain would not stop thinking of everything that is going on at a moment in time? 

I am unable to focus on one thing right now because other stuff that keeps popping in my head as I think of other things. It's driving me crazy. 

Maybe I'm going crazy! 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

When I grow up, I want to be...

Do you remember when you were a kid and said, "when I grow up, I want to be.."? Those days were the easy days because we could predict what the next two years were going to bring us (school, school, and more school) and complete this statement with no fear. 
Well, I'm 23 years old and practically asking the same question: what do I want to do when I grow up? The next two years are unpredictable. I have graduated college and thought I knew what I wanted to do but I find myself once again at a point in my life asking what do I want to do when I grow up. 
Should I remain on the path and continue my academic endeavors?
Should I be content with what I have already accomplished?
Should I explore more options? 

You can have your whole life planned out when you are ten, eighteen, or twenty-one, and still be asking: what do I want to do when I grow up? 

Why? Because..
Many changes will occur, new ideas will be manufactured in your brain, new perspectives will be taken, and wisdom and knowledge will grow. 

So with all that said, when I grow up I want to be...